There are roughly 17 Different types of sea gulls in the United States. There are over 45 different verities in the world, but we will focus on the gulls that live and create problems in the United States. Bellow you will find a list of the types of gulls along with the problems that are known to exist because of their presence. The types of Gulls that are found in the US are as follows:

  • Herring Gull~ The herring gull is between 22 and 26 inches long, it is mainly white in color with black and gray wings, other distinguishing marks is it has spots on its wingtips. the gulls bill is yellow with red spots. This gull is mainly found on the eastern and western sea boards and will become a nuisance because of roosting and its natural instincts to scavenge for food. For more info on Herring Sea Gull Control
  • Ring Billed Gull~ Ringed bill gulls are smaller in size than the more common gulls, they range in size between 18 and 20 inches long, Their color is mainly white, with gray wing tips, the most distinguishing feature of this bird is a black ring around its bill. This gull is also found on the eastern and west coast and becomes a nuisance for the same reasons, nesting and food savaging. you can go here for more information on ring billed sea gull control
  • Laughing Gull~ This gull is one of the smaller gulls, between 13 and 15 inches. this gull is only found on the east coast from Maine into Texas, this is not a west coast gull. They become a nuisance because of their scavenging for food scraps on beaches and piers throughout the mid Atlantic, You can more information on laughing sea gull control here.
  • Iceland Gull
  • Glaucous Gull
  • Franklin's Gull~ Franklins Gulls are found in the northern mid west, the gull is smaller in nature ranging from between 13 and 15 inches long, The gull is white and black in color with a bold broken eye ring. it will be found in inland marshes and lakes.
  • Black Headed Gull
  • Ross' Gull
  • Western Gull
  • Thayer's Gull
  • California Gull
  • Black Legged Kittiwake
  • Greater Black Backed Gull
  • Lesser Black Backed Gull
  • Bonaparte's Gull
  • Little Gull
  • Sabine's Gull

This is a list of gulls that are identified to be present in the US, as stated earlier, there are many more types of gulls, but we focus on the gulls that we know cause a problem in the US.
We suggest several ways to handle sea gulls, the eagle eye is one of them, the eagle eye installation is often simple and effective in treating common areas for sea gull control.
Some of the other methods we use to control sea gulls is bird fogging chemicals. This is done thru the bird fogging machine's or a stationary unit.

Some new technology has come around and we have revolutionized sea gull control, we can now utilize tactics to better control seagull preasure, bird control measures such as a grid system can be successfully used to depressurize a given area from seagulls.
fill out the form below to inquire on how this new process can help you solve your seagull issue.

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