Westlake, TX Animal Removal experts provide full-service nuisance wildlife control throughout Tarrant County, Texas. Services include the removal and trapping of such wild animals including Rats, Squirrels, Mice, Bats, Birds, Rodents, Snakes, Skunks, Raccoons, Armadillos, Possums and other nuisance wildlife of Westlake Texas.
Wildlife animal removal Wildlife Removal services a wide area of coverage including all towns and communities within Tarrant County, West Lake Texas including all towns of:
Athens, Allen, Plano, Denton, Mckinny, Richardson, Irving, Arlington, Terrell, DeSoto, Greenville, Commerce, Bonham, Sherman, Denison, Gainesville, Decatur, Sulphur Springs, Weatherford, Cleburne, Mineral Wells, Fort Worth, Dallas, Graham, Waxahachie, Ennis, Corsicana, and Hillsboro.
We remove these household pests in a humane manner and will clean up any mess or debris they may have left behind and repair any damage these pests may have caused to your home crawlspace or attic area.
Westlake, TX Rat Removal
Westlake Rat Removal is a very common pest problem and a common complaint received in the areas of Westlake Texas. Rats and mice can be found living in attics, crawlspaces, garages, and in the basements of homes and businesses throughout Westlake, TX. These pests will also take up residence in sheds, barns, outbuildings and even in cars. Rats will seek any opportunity for shelter if an access can be gained by these pests.
Rat control and rat removal should be initiated as soon as a rat has been discovered in a home or business. Rats are very quick breeding pest and a small pest problem can quickly turn into a rat infestation. Rats pose dangers by chewing wires and on any structure which can lead to fires. Westlake Wildlife Professionals have the knowledge and training to get the job done quickly and humanely. Rats living in an attic or crawlspace can also contaminate the insulation with rat droppings and urine.
Among the services provided by Wildlife animal removal of Westlake, TX include Rat and Mice Removal. These rodents are disease carriers and pose serious risks to health and safety. Worldwide rodents and mice spread over 35 diseases. Rodent-borne diseases are spread directly to humans through bite wounds, consuming food or water that is contaminated with rodent feces, coming in contact with surface water contaminated with rodent urine, or through breathing in germs that may be present in rodent urine or droppings that have been stirred into the air (a process known as “aerosolization”).
Diseases from rodents are also spread indirectly to humans by way of ticks, mites, and fleas that transmit the infection to humans after feeding on infected rodents. Don’t be fooled by these fuzzy little creatures, they can be a deadly threat. Rodents are directly related to spreading Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome, Hemorrhagic Fever, Lassa Fever, Leptospirosis, Plaque, Rat Bite Fever, Salmonellosis, and Tularemia. Salmonella may also be spread through their droppings. These rodents are very resilient creatures and may live virtually anywhere by scavenging their environment. They may build burrows in your wall; contaminate your food, and belongings.
Rodents pose a serious risk to your Texas home by gnawing through electrical wires and causing structural damage. The average lifespan of a rat is between three to five years. The types of rodents found in the United States include the Cotton Rat, Deer Mouse, House Mouse, Norway Rat, Rice Rat, Roof Rat, and White Footed Mouse.
Wildlife animal removal of West Lake Texas specializes in rodent infestation. We have the knowledge and tools to remove dead rodents from in your wall, crawlspace, or attic. We are a full service rodent removal company servicing residential and commercial properties. We will trap, seal, and clean up any rodent infestation.
Westlake, TX Snake Removal
Snake removal in Westlake is a common call that most pest control companies are not prepared to handle in an efficient way. Some snake jobs will actually require the physical removal of the actual snake, other snake removal jobs may require an exclusion or sealing of a home to prevent reentry by snakes such as black rat snakes, copperheads, rattlesnakes and other types of snakes that are known to coexist around homes and buildings. Snake Control Experts are trained to catch both venomous and nonvenomous snakes. Snakes can be removed from in houses, basements, garages, and all other places a snake may invade a home or business.
Wildlife animal removal Animal Trapping and Wildlife Removal are experts in Snake Removal. There are a variety of snakes found in Westlake, Texas some of which are venomous. Snakes play any important role as both predators and preys, they consume other animals which is beneficial in keeping the rodent population down. Snakes are very dangerous and will attack if provoked. Normally snakes will enter your West Lake home to find a food source, such as mice and rats. A snake can enter any hole that a mouse can squeeze through.
Sealing all crevices and spaces where pipes and electrical wires enter the dwelling will help prevent snakes from making your house their home. This task requires a professional to inspect the property , remove the snake to prevent the snake from being sealed in your Texas home.
If you find a snake on your Texas property give Wildlife animal removal Wildlife Removal and Trapping a call. We can humanely trap and remove the snake from your Westlake, TX property.
There's a better, faster and safer way to get the job done!
Wildlife animal removal attic cleaning and insulation removal service uses a STATE OF THE ART VACUUM SYSTEM that removes attic insulation that has become contaminated with droppings, odors and urine by animals, rodents and pests the safe way! Some Benefits:
- Will Not Drag Hoses thru your home, outside entry used.
- Removes loose cellulose fiber insulation, commonly known as paper.
- Removes loose fiber glass insulation.
- Removes fiberglass bats, or any other type of insulation.
- Removes insulation that has become contaminated the safe way.
Westlake, TX Squirrel Removal
Westlake Squirrel Removal is a very common call in the spring and fall. Squirrels take advantage of the very close housing in Westlake and are often seen jumping from rooftop to rooftop and running back-and-forth on the power lines. Squirrel Removal and Squirrel control in Westlake is on the rise and should be handled as soon as a squirrel problem is discovered in your home or attic. The last thing you want to do is allow the squirrels to stay in your attic! Many homeowners in Westlake Texas area have need for squirrel removal and control however they do not know who to call. Westlake squirrel removal should be handled in a timely fashion so the squirrels do not chew your wiring and dig holes in your sheet rock as they are in the birthing process in the attic area of your home.
Squirrels are usually tree dwelling animals in the Westlake, Texas area and can often be seen running along power lines along our Westlake streets and byways. This should not be a welcome guest in your home. As soon as you become aware of a squirrel living in your attic or other area of your home you should immediately contact a professional Westlake squirrel removal agent.
The squirrel is one of Texas most common wildlife pests, and if you hear “noises” in your attic odds are you have an uninvited guest named “squirrel.” The most common noise complaints associated with squirrels in the attic is folks hearing lots of "scratching," this could be a sign that a female squirrel is preparing to have her young.
Raccoon Control and Management
In the spring hundreds of female raccoons find their way into attics, crawl spaces and basements as well as chimneys in search of a safe place to have their young. The usual time for liter births is late March into early April. Raccoons are very strong and can break louvers from gable vents, tear shingles off of a roof, and dismantle faulty chimney caps or tear of chimney screens. Once inside, raccoons will create a nesting area and designate a spot to be their toilet. This can cause a terrible odor and as it soaks into the insulation, sheetrock or ceiling tiles can cause damage or stains.
Raccoons are destructive by nature and will tear apart insulation and wiring as well as rip shingles from the roof for no apparent reason. Raccoons are very dangerous animals to have living in your attic, chimney or any other place for a number of reasons.
Indications and Symptoms of a Raccoon Problem:
- Loud thumping sounds in the attic area at night.
- Juvenile raccoons make loud chattering sounds.
- Scratching, loud noises or chirping from your fireplace.
- Large holes in the roof of your home.
- A musty urine smell (raccoon Fecal).
- Raccoon sightings on or near your property.
- “Running” sounds in the attic, during the day.
Bat Removal
Whatever the animal or pest may be the only way to getting rid of the problem is to trap the nuisance and remove them from the location. Whether it's squirrels, raccoons, groundhogs, skunks, snakes, rats, mice or bats, simply blocking the entry point will simply not solve the problem. You’re wildlife nuisance will just remove the blockage and push it to the side and enter the space again.
We use the most humane methods to trap nuisance animals, or critters and remove them from the property. We then secure the entry spot or holes to insure that the animals or animal do not return and do not gain reentry to your homes attic or crawlspace.
The fact is that except in those cases where you simply left a window or door open and animals got into your home, every structural animal trapping job is going to require some type of animal damage repair or exclusion to prevent animals from gaining or regaining entry into your home. In the animal control profession, we have a name for repairs or modifications made specifically to keep wild animals out of your home or property. We call this work Wildlife Exclusion, and getting it done right the first time can make all the difference in preventing reentry and damage by nuisance animals such as raccoons, rodents, bats, birds, squirrels and other nuisance wildlife that make your house their home.
We here at Wildlife animal removal provide the consumer with a wide verity of animal damage repair and animal exclusion options, which include but are not limited to:
- Exclusion work on attics and crawlspaces.
- Insulation work in attics and crawlspaces.
- Disinfection and/or deodorization of contaminated areas.
- Sealing and/or screening future problem areas throughout the home.
Our exclusion service area includes all of West Lake Texas and surrounding areas including:
Athens, Allen, Plano, Denton, Mckinny, Richardson, Irving, Arlington, Terrell, DeSoto, Greenville, Commerce, Bonham, Sherman, Denison, Gainesville, Decatur, Sulphur Springs, Weatherford, Cleburne, Mineral Wells, Fort Worth, Dallas, Graham, Waxahachie, Ennis, Corsicana, and Hillsboro.
We can also do a complete home inspection to help you prevent animal damage in advance by inspecting your home prior to an intrusion from a nuisance animal or critter. Whether you are first buying a home or have lived there for years, it’s never too late to have one of our qualified wildlife removal agents inspect your home. Give us a call today. It is less expensive to keep birds, snakes bats, rats, raccoons, squirrels, and other nuisance animals out of your home in the first place than it is to clean up the mess they have made and fix the damage once they've already entered your home.
Why choose Wildlife animal removal to repair your animal damage?
First of all, let's make it clear that we understand that you do have a choice. It's your property. We'll never pressure you into using our animal damage repair and exclusion services. You can hire a local carpenter, roofer, or other tradesman. You can even do the work yourself if you like.
But when urban wildlife exclusion is done improperly or incompletely, your home remains vulnerable for structural damage, fires from animals chewing through electrical wires, and disease-causing, animal-borne pathogens such as raccoon roundworm, etc. That's why it's important to choose the right company to have the work performed correctly in the beginning. An educated animal is much harder to deal with a second time around.
There are several very good reasons why you should choose us to perform animal exclusion work.
For example:
- We're experts in urban wildlife control and exclusion in West Lake Texas. The methods we use for our animal damage repairs are proven and have been designed specifically to keep animals out of your home or property. Through years of experience, we've learned to "think like" the animals we deal with. We'll be sure to find and close every possible place the animal could enter.
- Our pricing is competitive. We know you have choices and we want to earn your business. So we make sure that our prices are more than competitive when compared to what other skilled craftsmen charge for comparable, high-quality work. In reality, you'll probably save money by choosing us because we have the skills and experience to do the job right, the first time.
- Our Work is guaranteed. All of our exclusion and repair work carry a standard warranty, and longer warranties are available for certain types of work. You may have become a customer of ours by chance, but you will continue to be our customer by choice because of our experience and expertise.
Some of our services we specialize in include:
- Texas Squirrel Removal
- Texas Raccoon Removal
- Texas Snake Removal
- Texas Rodent Removal
- Texas Bat Removal
Give the Pros a Call at Wildlife animal removal Animal Trapping and Wildlife Removal Services.